AIFF 2009, Anchorage, Fat Bikes, and Blogging

I try to remind people now and then that biking is a real alternative form of transportation, it's not just recreation.  Our infrastructure and city planning make it hard to do without a bigger vehicle sometimes, but biking is possible for a lot of our travel, even in the winter.

So, I do want to recognize that there are a number of Alaska blogs that focus on biking and there's even an Alaskan biking film in the Anchorage International Film Festival.

Here's a short post about the short film Fat Bike from Bicycle Commuters of Alaska: (BCA also supported the film)
Carl Battreall took a fantastic first step into film making with Fat Bike by being accepted to the Boston Bike Film Fest and the Anchorage International Film Fest.  But the news gets even better.  The Boston Bike Film Fest, which took place last Friday and Saturday has announced that Fat Bike has won First Place!
Congratulations goes out to Carl for making such a great film. This is exciting news for all riders and especially those who brave the elements all winter long. And perhaps it will serve as great inspiration to those considering winter riding.
BCA sends along a hearty congratulations to Carl and all those that helped with the making of Fat Bike.
BCA talks about biking everyday so I'm adding them to my Alaska Blog list.  Another one is Bicycles and Icicles.  It has a long list of Alaska bike related blogs.  These blogs are serious crusaders working to change how decisions are made about transportation and planning by living their ideals and fighting  to make bike commuting safer and easier.

Fat Bike Trailer from indieAK films on Vimeo.

Fat Bike  U.S. (ALASKA)  26 minutes
Director: Carl Battreall
Fat Bike is part of the Snowdance 2 program showing
Tuesday Dec. 8,  5:45pm  at Alaska Experience Theater
Saturday Dec. 12,  5:30 at Out North

It's also part of the Martini Matinee presentation  Friday Dec. 11, at 2:30pm Bear Tooth