IT Tips - Apps/Programs to use for S/M Business that are totally free!

Tips - Apps/Programs to use for S/M Business that are totally free! Here is a list of programs/applications that I reccommend to small and medium sized businesses that are cost effective (FREE!) and can help in their IT infrastructure.

Program / Purpose

1. OpenOffice Free Microsoft Office compatible Office Productivity Suite
2. TrueCrypt Free Encryption Program for File/Folder/and or Drive Encryption
3. SSLExplorer Free SSL VPN Server Program
4. VMWARE Server Free Virtualization Product
5. Eraser Free Data Deletion Program
6. Nessus & Nmap Free Vulnerability Scanner and Free Port Scanner
7. ClamWin Free Anti-Virus Program
8. Apache2Triad Free Windows Apache, Python, Perl, MySql Server Bundle
9. 7-zip Free Compression Utility
10. WinSCP Secure Copy / SSH Utility
11. Ubuntu Free Linux Operating System / Easy to use and Install
12. OpenDNS Free DNS Service
13. TightVNC Remote Desktop Tool
14. SpiceWorks Free Network Inventory Software
15. SIW Free Systme Information Program
16. Synergy Free Multiple Computer Monitor/Keyboard/Mouse Sharing
17. SQL-Ledger Finance/Accounting Server/ERP System
18. GNUCash Open Source Finance/Accounting Software
19. ShowmyPC Remote Admin Support

More to come later......................