Midtown Fire This Afternoon

[Tea, skip this one.]

I'd considered biking, but it was cold, sort of far to go, and I needed to pick up a shoe at the shoe repair afterward.

So I was driving down 36th around 3:20 when I saw smoke ahead.

As I got closer, it seemed to move further away.

I'm finally pretty close - at Arctic.  Fortunately the traffic
was slow and I could blindly shoot pictures. 

The smoke was really thick.

Police were there, but no fire trucks.

Here's that same picture enlarged.

By Spenard, this was the second fire truck that passed.

I don't want to give any false alarms.  I know I passed Arctic and I checked the next street which was North Star, so I'm pretty sure this was on Indiana, but I didn't actually see a street name when I was passing the fire (I was on 36th). 

I got where I was going a little late.  And when that was over, picked up my repaired shoe.