Mischievous Technology Tricks

Last night at a talk, I took three video clips. The first one was fine (well, fine for a small digital camera in a room with a thin sound system.) The second clip had a strong buzz, like the camera had a motor, which blocked what I was trying to record. And the third clip was fine again. This has never happened before on this camera and I have no idea why this happened. I certainly didn't hear any difference in the room and I don't think I did anything different.

Then this morning I turned on the AM/FM receiver (yes I know I'm still in the dark ages) and got this:

I'm sure you're saying, "yeah, so what?" Well, the light in there has been off for at least six months or more. We've learned to find channels without seeing any sort of information. We were resigned to the slow deterioration of our sound source. We didn't know it was just on vacation. Again, we didn't move anything, didn't try anything new or different. It just turned on today after months of black.