Nmap Information

Below is some general information concerning the Nmap application found at:


-sL –> list scan

-PS port number –> sends a TCP SYN packet to ports listed

-PA port number –> sends a TCP ACK packet to the ports listed

-PU port number –> sends a UDP packet to the ports listed

-n –> no DNS resolution

-R –> DNS resolution for all hosts

-sP –> ping scan

-PN –> disable ping; treat all hosts as online

-6 –> TCP/IP version 6

-T4 –> more aggressive timing policy to speed up the scan

-sS –> TCP SYN stealth

-sT –> TCP connect

-sU –> UDP

-sI –> TCP idle scan

-p –> port selection

-A –> aggressive tests, including OS and version detection


-v –> verbose

--append output







-oN –> normal report

-oG –> grepable report

-oX –> XML report

-oA –> all three report formats
