November Challenge

November is when my running schedule tends to go down the drain.  It's colder.  It's darker longer.  It snows.  The body hasn't quite adjusted to the new weather and ground cover.  And I seem to find lots of excuses to say 'mañana.'

This year I came back from California with a sore heal, so I obviously couldn't run for a while.  Then I did run, but various things got in the way again.  I had morning meetings and I like to run before I eat in the morning.
Once I eat, well, I can't run.  It got cold. I did use my bike, even after it snowed.   There wasn't enough snow to cross country ski, or so I told myself

But yesterday it was 30˚F.  The sun was peeking through the clouds.  My body was fine.  No meetings.  I had no excuse.

The raven chortled as I ran by.

Through the neighborhoods until I got to the bike path.

And I wasn't the only one running.  I saw four other runners in my 45 minutes out. 

Despite the fact I hadn't run since early in the month, these two were so slow, even I passed them. 

And when I was almost home, I saw that those trucks at the bus stop last week seems to have resulted in these new street lights.

It seemed like they weren't fiinished.  They've made this new bus cut out so that the sidewalk/bike path is now wide enough for more than one person.  Not sure about the need for the new lights.  A bus shelter, even just a bench, would probably be more helpful.  But maybe that's coming next. 

Don't let the winter keep you inside.  Get out of the car and enjoy moving.