AIFF 2009 - Sunday Films, What To Do?

I can't decide either.  I think I spent too much time looking at this that I'm overloaded.  I do have a warning for folks.  I did get a sneak preview of Godspeed which plays tonight at Bear Tooth.  It was made in Anchorage and Wasilla, and it is always nice (because it's so rare) to see our own landscapes on the big screen.  However, if you don't like graphic scenes of someone getting his skull smashed in with a rock I'd advise checking out the other venues at that time. 

Shadow Billionaire is a documentary about one of the founders of HDL who moves to Saipan and lives, apparently, a dissolute life.  If you are interested in understanding the problem of human trafficking for prostitution, this is one of several films that deal with that subject.  I've only seen the trailer, but it is one of the documentaries in competition.  7:45pm tonight (Sunday) at the Alaska Experience Theater 1.

Helter Skelter - 8:15 at at Out North is a mix of 'live action' (actors) and animation shorts.

I need to quit here so I can get to one of the 1pm movies.  I haven't decided between Adopt a Sailor (a feature about a couple that take in a sailor) at the Bear Tooth and Tapped, a documentary on bottled water at Alaska Experience.

Check the program guide for what else is on today.  Sundays are big days. 

Mount St Elias at 5:30 at the Bear Tooth should be a biggie.  About a mountain climbing accident a couple of years ago.