Avatar Line Anchorage Opening Night

We got invited to see Avatar tonight.  Fortunately he'd bought the tickets much earlier and got us to the Century 45 minutes before the show. 

 The line started at theater 9 then snaked out to the hallway at the end

Then it went down to the end of the hallway and back the other side. But we got in fine.

And here's the line already for the 11:30 pm showing.
It's late, I'm tired. I loved the visual effects and the spectacular flora and fauna of the world of Pandora. The story was a space age variation of the Dances With Wolves theme, but much more simplistic. Corporation comes to indigenous peoples' land, wants them to move to get the minerals beneath their sacred site, sends in scientists to convince them to move out of the way. The world they created had a vaguely underwater look, the inhabitants were cool.

I wonder how many people who root for the hero (who abandons the human mission to join with the native people - that's not really a spoiler, you can't help but know it's coming), will be able to recognize the villains as the US troops gaining territory around the world to protect US corporations claim to the minerals. Or the similarity to what the Europeans did to the original inhabitants of North (and South for that matter) America. And the three-D was also fun.