Don Bantz - New APU President

I just learned through APU that Dr. Don Bantz, Provost at the Evergreen State College in Olympia, has been named the new President of Alaska Pacific University.   I'm personally delighted to hear this because I've known Don since about 1978 and I think he'll do great things for APU and Anchorage, and, I expect, the APU and UAA relationship.

Don lived in Anchorage for many years and was the Executive Director of the Anchorage Neighborhood Health Center back in its early days.  He has his PhD in Public Administration from the University of Southern California.  Click the link for Dr. Bantz' official background information, plus that of the other candidates.

I'm getting ready to go to the AIFF Martini Matinee, but I need to call Don and congratulate him.  

I would note that all my bog coverage of the APU Presidential Search came from APU information and not from any of the candidates.  But I did take this picture when he was in Anchorage for his interviews.