Friday fantasies

Friday again -- and there aren't so many 2009 activities listed in the Forthcoming Events side bar. The 2010 conferences, talks and seminars are however building up nicely. Don't forget to check them out.

The Society for Computers and Law (SCL) has posted its first batch of responses to its request for predictions for 2010 and beyond, "whether affecting IT law, IP, data protection, e-disclosure, law firm technology or any number of vaguely related developments". You can read them here. The IPKat predicts that the SCL won't be ditching its respectably boring logo for the one on the right any time soon ...

Around the blogosphere. Congratulations to David Musker's Class 99 design law blog team on that weblog signing up its 99th email subscriber -- and also its 100th. The SPC Blog has just topped the 100 mark for the number of participants registering for its seminar on patent term extension on 13 January 2010 (details here). The IP Finance Blog's seminar on "Trade Secrets" on Monday 14 December now has 45+ takers (details here).

Proverb competition. The competition to compose some IP-friendly proverbs for the modern age (you can find it by clicking here and scrolling down) is hotting up. The prize: free registration and a decent lunch at next year's Intellectual Property Law Round-up conference, to be held in Central London on 28 January 2010 (programme here).

The IPKat extends his thanks to Niel Ackermann (Hewitsons), for this link to news of a rare success for the enforcement authorities in stamping down on a large number of websites selling fake fashion products and accessories (or in some cases selling nothing at all, but just taking the money). Also, loads of people have told him about the drive to improve the brand image of Made in China -- ta, all of you!