Hipsters and Paddle to Seattle Acknowledged Outside

Screen Daily announced that AIFF opening night film Hipsters was included in the 69 films listed for the Golden Globe Foreign Language Award.  Hipsters shows again Saturday night at 8pm in the Bear Tooth.  Definitely worth seeing.

A National Geographic news release tells us that Paddle to Seattle won Best Documentary at the Minneapolis Underground Film Festival:
We are so pleased that you have been able to follow along on our adventure.  We are honored to announce that last weekend Paddle won Best Documentary at the Minneapolis Underground Film Festival!  To date, the film has completed 3 festival screenings winning major awards at each.

Josh is in Alaska this week screening at the Anchorage International Film Festival.  On Monday people were turned away at the door for the sold out show at the Bear Tooth Theatre.  At a capacity of 420, Josh said there was a line extending out of the building.  This Friday, the film will play simultaneously on two screens, again at the Anchorage Festival, to accommodate the anticipated interest.
I checked with Rand - the AIFF Programmer - and here's what's happening Friday.  Paddle to Seattle is already scheduled for Alaska Experience Theater at 5:45pm.  The second showing will be in AET's second screen at 6:05.  That way the director can do Q&A after each showing. 

I've heard of several sold out performances at the festival this year and I suspect that tickets for Saturday night's Hipsters at 7:30 pm and Birthday at 10:15pm will be sold out.  You can buy tickets in advance at the Bear Tooth to be sure you get a seat.

And there will be extra showings of the winners in the different categories next week at the Bear Tooth.