Investigating Breaches, pt. II

As a follow-on (or one of them, anyway) to my previous post on investigating breaches, I wanted to perhaps scratch the surface a bit more (as opposed to "digging deeper") regarding the subject.

Take for instance a Windows XP laptop, which is a pretty typical corporate configuration. Let's say that some suspicious activity was seen originating from this system by network admins, when the system was connected to the corporate network. Management feels that the employee is loyal and not the issue, and they suspect that the system may have been compromised with it was connected to another network, such as the employee's home or a hotel network. As such, management would like you to examine the system and determine if it had been compromised, and if so, how and when.

Pretty easy, right? Maybe, maybe not. Like I said, often it's relatively easy to find secondary indicators of a that the intruder may have loaded onto the system following the initial compromise. However, it may not be so easy to find the primary indicators of the initial intrusion.

So, when starting such an investigation, what would you want to look for? Well, I'd start by getting an idea of what services and applications are installed on the system. For example, was there a web server (hey, I've seen it!) installed? FTP server? Anything used for remote access? PCAnywhere? VNC? What about applications...any P2P? Also, be sure to check the Windows firewall configuration...I've seen indicators of malware there.

Another aspect to look at is, what is the user's default browser (yes, there is RegRipper plugin for that!)? IE? Well, what files are in their cache (browser drive-bys or "browse-bys" are a big issue)? Any documents? PDF files? JavaScript? Anything that can download or carry executable code? Email? What about Outlook, and any files downloaded as Outlook attachments?

While we're on the subject of IE, index.dat files, and browsing history, don't forget about checking the Default User profile for indications of web browsing history...another quick check but hey, I've found some pretty amazing things here.

An alternative means of analysis is to mount the image and scan it for malware, being sure to see what AV was installed on the system (if sure to check for MRT) and then use something else (PCTools, AVG, sure to check licenses), looking for malware, keyloggers, etc. Other quick checks for a better view include checking the hosts file for modifications, the firewall configuration (mentioned above), running tools like wfpcheck, etc. All of this can be done rather quickly, and provide a much more comprehensive analysis than just running AV. From this, you might hope to find some secondary indicators that might at least provide a point-in-time reference, the reasoning being that a secondary indicator would occur after a primary one.

Other areas of analysis include Event Logs, Registry autostart analysis (more of a follow-on to looking into running services), and even analyzing any available crash dump logs for indications of unusual processes.

What I'd really like to do is find a forensic challenge available online that consists of analyzing a compromised Windows system, and provide a walk-through of the methods and procedures used in the analysis. While there are a number of images online for download as part of challenges, the ones I have found involve malicious activity on the system, conducted by the user...I have yet to find one that involves a system being compromised or hacked remotely.