Plowing the Berms, Maybe

I was doing my stretches and getting ready to go out and run - I've been terribly derelict, but it's been around 30 the last few days and I have no excuses not to get out - when I heard the snow plows.  So I stopped, got some outdoor clothes on and moved the van into the driveway. 

So, here's the second sweep after I moved the van.  You can see some pavement between the front wheel and the mailbox that I did have a cleared spot for my car.  To the left is a two foot high, four foot wide berm.  The question is whether they are just coming by a couple of times to scrape a little more off the street, or are they going to actually clear the berms?  And are they going to leave my parking space, or push the berm into my space?  So far it looks like they are trying to leave my space. 

Now I have to finish the stretches and go run.  It's nice out.