"I wouldn't want to be starting from here ..."

The IPKat warmly salutes the World Intellectual Property Organization's decision to place the whole of the inaugural issue of The WIPO Journal online for the delectation of interested readers and, presumably, to act as bait for prospective subscribers. You can see all 154 pages of this new journal here.

The IPKat's pleasure at seeing this issue online has, of course, absolutely nothing to do with the fact that IPKat team member Jeremy has an article in it: '“I Wouldn’t Want to Be Starting from Here”, or Why Isn’t Intellectual Property Research Better Than It Is?"'

For those of you who are thinking of reading this article, and have been wondering -- the article is in fact deadly serious, but you might be forgiven for thinking that it isn't. And if you write articles yourself and think that people are impressed by the contents of your footnotes, you'd better make sure you read it.

More about the WIPO Journal here and here.
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