Anchorage to Juneau

Last time we flew was the end of October and the airport's remodeling is done. The old terminal B was fancied up, but basically looks like terminal B. The floor is fancier, the bathrooms at the end are on the other side, and there's this flock of geese.

Here's the Chugach Range from the airport.

And as we waited to take off the sun came out bright.

And we're now above 10,000 feet over the Chugach just past Eagle River.

And soon we're slipping into the clouds.

It was raining when we landed in Cordova. Yes, I know, I should have paid attention and not gotten us on the milk run, but the time was better, the price was better, and we weren't in a great hurry.

There weren't a lot of people on the plane. Never more than twenty I don't think. Here we're waiting at Cordova for a few passengers to come on.

You can see the rain drops on the window as we're about to take off at Cordova.

And a few passengers got off at Yakutat.

And this book Catherine lent me kept my attention all the way to Juneau. We arrived early. The apartment is fine. They had a snow storm yesterday, but the streets have sort of been cleared and the walkway to our basement apartment was cleared. We're on a hill and face south onto a garden.

On this day as Bill Allen adjusts to prison, we had dinner at the Baranof Hotel.

I have training for new legislative staff tomorrow morning at 8:30.  So I need to get some sleep.