ICANN rapid response consultation: don't be caught out

The IPKat's friend Edward Smith writes to ask him to alert his trade mark-owning readers (and their advisers) to a matter which requires their urgent attention. He writes:
"ICANN has published a couple of important consultation documents as with, as usual, slightly crazy response periods ['slightly crazy' is a delightful example of British understatement ...]:

* The report published by the Special Trademarks Issues (STI) team on the recommendations to create a trademark clearing house and uniform rapid suspension (URS) procedure to protect trade marks. The report is available here and the response deadline is 26 January.

* The new proposal to introduce a fast track 'Expressions of Interest' proposal (response deadline 27 January). The report available here and the response deadline is 27 January.

We, at the IPO, are keen to get as much interest in this generated as possible. Any response (sent to ICANN, not us) can, if people want, be copied to us at gaynor.ace@ipo.gov.uk, as we are providing input into a UK Government position".
In case you don't know, says the ever-helpful Merpel, today is 20 January or 21 January, depending on your time zone at the moment of posting. Between now and 26/27 January is a weekend which some of you were possibly hoping to enjoy ...

Slightly crazy here
Regularly crazy here
More than slightly crazy here
Barking mad here (not for cats)