Letter from AmeriKat II: Bits 'n Pieces

“Disclosure of any documents without the agreement of all our ACTA negotiating partners would damage the United Kingdom's international relations. [No prizes for guessing which government is not agreeing to this…] This would harm our ability to protect, promote and secure an outcome in the UK's interest, and the premature release of documents that are not agreed and not fully developed may also have a negative effect on the Government's reputation.”Reiterating her sentiment in last week’s letter, the AmeriKat asks that if, as the EU has stated, ACTA will " not go further than the current EU regime for enforcement of intellectual property rights", why all the secrecy? For further information see this report in the Register.
• Rambus settles for a cool $900 million - After almost five years of litigation, Rambus and Samsung have agreed to settle all legal claims between them in exchange for a $200 million payment made to Rambus from Samsung, as well as buying another $200 million worth of Rambus’s shares.
Left: the Rambus ram
Samsung will additionally make quarterly payments of $25 million for the next five years to Rambus for a licence for its patents. These payments would in effect double Rambus’s quarterly revenue. This settlement, a result of numerous actions brought by Rambus against Samsung and other chip manufacturers such as Hynix Semiconductor Inc and Micron Technology, came just before an antitrust trial was scheduled to begin against Samsung in San Francisco. Addressing last week’s settlement, Rambus’s President and CEO, Harold Hughes, stated that
Although $900 million may seem like a significant sum for Samsung to shell out, this is a fraction of a potential $4-12 billion award they could have had to pay had they proceeded to trial and lost. However, despite suggestions that this deal could have brought Samsung’s former co-defendants to the negotiating table, a statement released by one of the co-defendants, Micron Technology, stating that “We do not anticipate this settlement to have any impact on our ongoing litigation.” For more information see this article in Bloomberg.
“Bringing together Samsung's market and technology leadership with our innovations for high-performance and high-efficiency memory architectures will make possible an exciting new generation of mobile, computing and consumer electronics products."