New Run Route - Eagles and Other Sights

Scrondahl commented on the Stay off the Flume post, that I should not rule out the Flume, but check the Juneau Avalanche Forecast. Here's Sunday's forecast:

The flume trail itself is pretty short, I'd really like to go further up Basin Road. But today, before getting to the avalanche forecast site, I took HarpboyAK's suggested and ran out Glacier Highway and back. It was not in the woods, but it was a nice run.

There are eagles in Anchorage from time to time.

But today I saw about ten in my hour run.  That
wouldn't happen in Anchorage.





Almost home now as I pass the Evergreen cemetery.
That's the name, not my description.

When I got home I was able to take a quick shower before Juneau friends arrived.  We haven't seen them since Zoe was born in Anchorage (she was early).  So we went down to Capitol Park.  We saw this bumper sticker on the way. 

Here's Sky, the older brother,  moving much faster than
I can easily catch him with the camera.