Reps. Tuck and Gara Talk Strategy

There was a surprise birthday party for one of Rep. Chris Tuck's (D-Anchorage) staffers late Friday afternoon.  That's her leaning out of the doorway on the left.   Speaking of staffers, there is one known for his bow-tie wearing and practical jokes.  When I poked my head into my old office to say hi, he was blacking out a small piece of scotch tape.  I had no idea what he was up to, but later I saw Ted on the floor under the desk checking the connections on his computer.  Turns out PJ (Practical Joker) had put the tape over the sensor on Ted's mouse so it wasn't working.  I mention this just to let you know that while the staff do work hard, they also can be silly.  But I won't talk about these practical jokes any more because I don't want to encourage him in any way.  Some people get their kicks by making others' lives more difficult.  We need more people who get their kicks by making other people's lives easier.

Anyway, while people were eating birthday cake, I took the opportunity to introduce myself to Rep. Tuck and explain my new role.  I've been doing that a lot in the last couple of days - talking to folks I first met as Rep. G's staffer and letting them know that my new  role is as a blogger.

 Rep. Tuck had seen me introduced, but we'd never actually talked.  He invited me into his office and were talking about my blog and about his projects when Rep. Les Gara (D - Anchorage) walked in to talk to Rep. Tuck.  I got up to leave, but Rep. Gara said I could stay.  So I did. And took pictures. 

When they were done I said, "OK, I'm still working out my role here, what can I blog and what not?" 

So, I can tell you that they talked about the budget, they talked about primary education,  about UAA, local Anchorage projects, and Vocational Technical education among other things.

In my short career as a staffer I worked for a Democrat and the House Democrats pretty much know who I am.  I did get to meet some of the Republicans in their offices when Rep. G took me with him to talk about legislation that was coming before the State Affairs Committee.  I don't intend this to be a Democrats only blog.  I'm expecting to show you Republicans as well.

 Speaking of Democrats,
The Alaska Democratic Party Executive and Central Committee meet in Juneau January 29th and 30th. A reception will be held at 5 p.m. Friday, January 29th at the Baranof Hotel, Gastineau Suite.
I did stop by at the reception where I got this picture of two people who grew up in Juneau - Katie Hurley, (who has done many things including being a State Legislator and Chair of the Alaska Commission on the Status of Women and "was the secretary to territorial Gov. Ernest Gruening and chief clerk to the Alaska Constitutional Convention") and Dennis Harris, who's a local writer, musician, activist, and walking encyclopedia of all things Juneau.