Security Blogs

A few security blogs from well known players in NetSec...

Marty Roesch, author of Snort and CTO 0f Sourcefire, here

Joel Esler of Sourcefire and ISC handler, here

Richard Bejtlich, author, Director of Incident Response for GE and former head of TaoSecurity, here

Tenable Security, here

Dr. Anton Chuvakin, author, security researcher and consultant, here

RaDaJo blog, Raul Siles, David Perez and Jorge Ortiz, here

Joanna Rutkowska, security researcher, here

This is obviously just a small sampling, but the point is, there is an absolute glut of information out there provided by very smart and experienced people. Every time you read one of these blogs or some security website, listen to a podcast, participate in a webcast or do some free online training, you're adding to your cumulative knowledge, increasing your value and making yourself a sharper analyst..