Sun Still Showing Its Face and Other Bits and Pieces

 When I got up this morning, I was thinking
Sunshine on a cloudy day

 I had a meeting at Rep. Cissna's office.  In the interest
of openness and transparency, I should say that sometime
after she was elected, she decided to take graduate 
public administration classes and was in some of the
classes I taught at UAA.  Here she's talking to staffer
Mike Coumbe.

I stopped in to see a couple more people and then 
headed to the State Office Building (affectionately? 
known as the SOB).  But I decided to stop in the Juneau 
Douglas City Museum which sits between the Capitol 
and the SOB.  I'd passed it a number of times and 
thought I should take a peek.

It's not a big museum, but it has good stuff and I'll
post more about what I saw inside.  Plus I want to
go back. 

 This building sits on the edge of a hill.  On this side
I walk up the steps from the street and enter on the
seventh or eighth floor.

 In the SOB is the State Library where I can sit in peace
and quiet, plug in my macbook, and use their wifi. 

Yesterday (Wednesday) I got a library card and 
immediately  recognized the similarity of the scene  
with a picture I took Sunday. I guess this is 
one of the iconic Juneau images. 

 I got up the previous post (security breach) and was 
working on a security alert for my accounts when the 
power went out in the building.  My backup battery was 
fine,  but the wifi quit.  Some back up lights were on. 
(I heard later that electric companytree trimmers 
dropped a  tree on a power line and blacked out the 
whole city and borough.)  I did discover that the self 
flushing urinals work  in a black out. Must be on the 
generators.   So after an hour I headed home.  But I also 
noted that the gloomy grey from this morning had 
evaporated and that the sun was shining high up on 
Mt. Roberts. From the SOB.  If you look
closely, you can see the tram high up the mountain.

 And as I got home, the snowy peak of Mt. Roberts, seen 
from a different angle, was aglow in sunlight.

A Juneau reader had invited me to a Mudstock, a 
gathering of Mudpuppies - loyal readers and commenters
at the popular Alaska blog Mudflats. So I headed down
to the Silverbow.  They all brought  their little mooses
with them.  They allowed the picture on the condition that
no one was identifiable.  This was at the Silverbow.
I met some interesting folks.