Wednesday whimsies

Happy Wednesday! The weekend will soon be in sight ...

An anxious reader has been chivvying the IPKat for news of Nokia v Her Majesty's Revenue and Excise, that horrendous decision in which the trial judge -- correctly applying what appears to be European Union law -- explained that counterfeit goods could not be detained at Heathrow Airport, when in transit from one non-EU country to another, on the basis that they had not been placed in the European market (see earlier IPKat post here). The Court of Appeal is reputed to have agreed to refer this case to the European Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling last November, but the Kat can't find any evidence of its decision on BAILII, on the Curia website or on the Intellectual Property Office website. Can anyone help?

After some inconclusive consultations, the IP Tango weblog's authors have all agreed that it would be a good idea to give the blog a facelift, but they have all disagreed as to what template -- and what cover -- it should have. I have risked the ire of my colleagues by experimenting with one of the proposed changes. There's also a poll, so you can take a look and cast your vote as to whether you like it the new way, the old way, or any other. Please vote -- your opinion is important to us.

Although the IPKat's Proverb Competition is over (click here for the results), late entries keep coming in -- and the Kat has just received this cute thought from Ben Clossick Thomson (Arnold & Porter UK):
"Necessity is the mother of invention. “Long-felt need”, the father of the patentable invention, has been asked to take a paternity test".