The halls of the Capitol are often crawling with people who are in Juneau to see legislators about some special project, about a favored agency, to argue for or against some law, or a whole host of other reasons. Here are a couple that I caught on camera Wednesday.
Emergency Medical Responders staked out the table just outside the Legislators' lounge and were giving blood pressure tests and explaining to people the services they provide around the state.
Then, later, in the new (this session) staff and public lounge in the Thomas Potter [Stewart] Building, where I've found a new place to blog comfortably, I overheard a group of advocates (I was corrected in an earlier post when I referred to some school children as lobbyists) talking to a legislative staffer and asked them if I could get them to tell me what they are doing here on film.
[Not sure what happened to the video. There's a clip that worked right when I did it, but isn't working right now. I'll see if I can fix it later.]
Advocates - There Oughta Be a Law!
Reviewed by 0x000216
Thursday, February 04, 2010
Rating: 5