AdWords - the Spanish point of view

In the light of this, the IPKat is proud to share the Spanish view point with his readers courtesy of Manuel Lobato and Fidel Porcuna (both Bird & Bird), who have co-authored "The liability of service providers in the information society. Reflections about the Opinion of the Advocate General delivered on 22 September 2009 in joined cases C-236 to 238 /08 Google v. Louis Vuitton and others before the ECJ."
Manuel, Fidel and their publisher have very kindly agreed to have their article posted on the IPKat and even provided an English translation. This Kat is a bit of an AdWords "addict" and very much enjoyed their insightful article, in particular their "Criticism of the position of the Advocate General" which is well worth a read!
The original Spanish version can be retrieved by clicking here.
The English translation (!) can be retrieved here.
Update: if anyone cannot open the links above, please e-mail Birgit with "Spanish AdWord paper" in the subject header.