Friday Folderols

Blackberry-maker RIM have won another case at the High Court (judgment available on BAILII here), this time against another company in the business of making mobile phones.  Motorola's European patent EP0818009 has been found invalid and in any case not infringed by RIM's Blackberry system. More details (though not much) on the EP Patent Law Blog here.

Australian group Men at Work, famous for that 1980s song "Down Under" have, according to NME, been found to have plagiarised the tune from an old Girl Guides song, "Kookaburra Sits In The Old Gum Tree". This Kat remembers the song well, but had no idea that irritatingly catchy flute melody went as far back as 1934.

Broccoli and Tomatoes are to be up for discussion at the EPO.  Oral proceedings for the combined cases of G 2/07 and G 1/08 are to be held on 20 and 21 July 2010 in Munich, according to an EPO announcement here.