Lunch with the Chief Justice Today

This looks like one of the most promising options today.  For people in Juneau, it's at noon.  For people out side, it's being teleconferenced.

Feb 24 Wednesday 12:00 PMCAPITOL 106

-- Please Note Time Change --
+ Lunch and Educational Interaction with TELECONFERENCED

Alaska Supreme Court Justice Carpeneti

Presentation: "Legislative Intent: What

Does it Mean to the Courts, and How Do

We Make it Clear?"

A light lunch will be served

The Gavel to Gavel Schedules still baffle me. I think partly it's because they can't have a link until it's time to watch or listen. You can click to the schedule here. This is what it says now:

12:00 pm
House Education Committee
Capitol 106
Audio stream will be available when the meeting starts.
-- Please Note Time Change -- Lunch and Educational Interaction with Alaska Supreme Court Justice Carpeneti Presentation: "Legislative Intent: What Does it Mean to the Courts, and How Do We Make it Clear?"
(TV coverage is planned)