Mandatory Winter Tire Bill

Rep. John Harris (R) Valdez spoke for his bill HB 322 before the House Transportation Committee. The bill would require vehicles above 60˚ North latitude (Someone said this would make it above Yakutat) and connected to the main Anchorage/Fairbanks road system to have US government designated winter tires. Such tires have a snowflake symbol on them. Below is an excerpt from Tirerack's history of such tires which are required now in Quebec.

In 1999, The U.S. Rubber Manufacturers Association (RMA) and the Rubber Association of Canada (RAC) agreed on a performance based standard to identify passenger and light truck tires that attain a traction index equal to, or greater than 110 (compared to a reference tire which is rated 100) during the specified American Society for Testing and Materials traction tests on packed snow. The new standard helps ensure that drivers can easily identify tires that provide a higher level of snow traction.

Severe Winter LogoA mountain/snowflake symbol branded on the tire's sidewall identifies tires that met the required performance in snow testing. The mountain/snowflake symbol is expected to be fully implemented on new tires by now, however there still may be a few winter/snow tires in the marketplace that meet the requirements but were produced in molds manufactured before the symbol was developed.  [more on this at the Tirerack link]

 Anchorage Johnson Tire co-owners Kelly Gaede and Michele Hogan offered a powerpoint presentation that pushed such winter tires as necessary for winter driving safety.  It was less about snow than about cold, which changes the composition of the rubber and their ability to grip the road.

(Photo:  Kelly Gaede at hearing]

Rep. Tammie Wilson (R) Fairbanks aggressively challenged Gaede on different points.  How were poorer families who could barely afford a car going to be able to buy a new set of winter tires?  What about soldiers stationed in Alaska?  Would they be required to change tires when they crossed the border in the winter?  How did their research know that tires were the cause of winter crashes?   Gaede explained that in 1972 the concept of all weather tires began to take over the winter tire business.  However, all weather tires, he continued, really have no traction in the cold. 
This slide was about Finland I believe.

Department of Transportation employees also testified.  By the end of the hearing there were suggestions to push back the starting date until 2014 and several other changes I can't recall. It was also conceded that people could drive on winter tires all year, but not with studs. 

The committee wanted to hear from experts other than the state's largest tire dealer.  As part of the benefit to the state, they said that Johnson Tire would grow from about 125 employees to 800.  Chair Peggy Wilson noted that they needed to hear about the tires from someone who didn't stand to profit from the passage of such a bill.  It was also noted that if the bill passed, Alaska would be the first state in the US to have such a bill.  However, it was pointed out that Quebec has passed a law requiring winter tires.

Here's a copy of the bill.  I can't see it all on my monitor.  If you have the same problem, you can get the bill here.

00                             HOUSE BILL NO. 322                                                                          
01 "An Act relating to winter tires; and providing for an effective date."
03 * Section 1. AS 28.35 is amended by adding a new section to read:
04 Sec. 28.35.158. Winter tires required. (a) A person may not operate a motor
05 vehicle registered in this state on a highway from December 15 to March 15 unless
06 that vehicle is equipped with tires designed for winter driving.
07 (b) In this section, "tires designed for winter driving" means tires
08 (1) that bear the mountain snowflake symbol as certified by the Rubber
09 Manufacturers Association or a comparable symbol as approved by the department;
10 (2) that are approved by the department for winter driving; or
11 (3) equipped with studs.
12 * Sec. 2. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section to
13 read:
14 PUBLIC EDUCATION CAMPAIGN. The Department of Transportation and Public
15 Facilities shall undertake a public education campaign to notify the public about the
01 requirements of AS 28.35.158, added by sec. 1 of this Act, before the effective date of that
02 section to ensure that the public is aware and has notice of the requirements of that section
03 before the requirements become effective.
04 * Sec. 3. Section 1 of this Act takes effect December 15, 2011.
05 * Sec. 4. Except as provided in sec. 3 of this Act, this Act takes effect immediately under
06 AS 01.10.070(c).