There Can Be Civil Disagreements

Last week I chided fellow blogger Phil Munger because I thought his name calling and language choices seemed to do more harm than good in his quest to interpret events through his vast experiences in different field. 

It's not the first time I've suggested the left needn't copy the tactics of rightwing talk radio.  I think the left needs to stand up and challenge every distortion and error, but you can be firm and polite at the same time. 

Phil reposted my post and one by another Anchorage blogger Mel.  And while we offered criticism of what he was doing (not of him), he took our comments graciously and has responded with a new post.  While some of the comments over there did not rise to the same level, many were thoughtful as well. 

Phil has every right to post what and how he wants.  But as I said last week, what someone can do and what they should do are not necessarily the same thing.  While I think Phil came to the right conclusion, I'd feel the same whatever decision he came to.  My real concern is that he handled the criticism with grace.   Thanks Phil.