University Caucus Formation Love Fest

 University of Alaska President Mark Hamilton addressing
the new University Booster Caucus

At 4pm Wednesday in the Senate Finance Committee room the University of Alaska Caucus was officially formed.   I've been looking at all the caucuses listed in the schedules of meetings and trying to put together a post about them.  Basically, these caucuses are formed by legislators who are interested in supporting a particular issue.  Some of the caucuses include:
  • Anchorage Caucus
  • Bush Caucus
  • Fish Caucus
  • Majority and Minority Caucuses
And now the University Booster Caucus joins these.

The three chancellors, Fran Ulmer, UAA;  John Pugh, UAS;  and Brian Rogers, UAF.

Everyone said nice things about each other and it was a different atmosphere from most of the other meetings I've been to.  But then that is what the caucus is supposed to do - promote the university. 

I guess I should add, that I am a professor emeritus (fancy word for retired but still connected to) at UAA and I know some of these people. 

I support the cause of higher education in theory, but would love to see the practice more efficient and effective.  I do hold the UAA Chancellor in high regard. 

The caucus members are listed as
Co-chairs:  Sen. Johnny Ellis; Sen Joe Thomas;  Rep. Nancy Dahlstrom; Rep. Anna Fairclough

Members:  Sens. Bettye Davis, Dennis Egan; Hollis French;  Linda Menard;  Joe Paskvan;  Gary Stevens; & Bill Wielechowski
Reps.  Les Gara; Berta Gardner; Carl Gatto; David Guttenberg; Lindsey Holmes; Scott Kawasaki; Mike Kelly; Beth Kertulla; Cathy Munoz; Pete Petersen; Jay Ramras; & Chris Tuck

Although the Chancellors mentioned how the University has branches all over the state, this caucus is clearly heavy with the Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Juneau legislators.