The IPKat thanks his friend André Heitz for drawing his attention to
Inter-Continental Hotels Corporation, Six Continents Hotels, Inc. v. Daniel Kirchhof WIPO Case No. D2009-1661, a domain name dispute resolution decision involving the grand total of 1,542 domain names. For the record, the complainant won 1,519 and lost 10, the balance being withdrawn.
The Blaca Prize is coming up for grabs again. Blaca is the British Literary and Artistic Copyright Association -- the British cell of militant copyright movement
ALAI. The trick is to write a brilliant essay on UK Law of Copyright and Related Rights, which must be submitted by
31 March 2o1o. Rules of entry for the Blaca Prize can be found
here. The IPKat notes that Blaca is also planning its own
blog: if you're interested, join Blaca and contribute to it!
Not to be outdone, the International Max Planck Research School for Competition and Innovation - Legal and Economic Determinants (yes, that's its name!) has its own newly-instituted International Essay Competition. The topic is "Designing an Inclusive National Innovation Policy for Sustainable Development: Legal, Economic, and Social Perspectives". The deadline isn't until 1 May 2010, but you'd better start writing soon if you want to win. Rules for the competition may be found on Maxi's website
here. Requests for further information and for clarification may be
emailed to Mrinalini Kochupillai.
Want to know more about the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)? Don't we all! The Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property (
PIJIP) is compiling an information resource on ACTA. It includes 11 leaked documents as well as a host of other items of material. The IPKat thanks PIJIP for this initiative. Merpel adds, if we're all going to be kept in ignorance, we can at least be better informed ...