Cheese, wine and celebrity rhyme mark World IP Day

As regular readers will by now surely know, World Intellectual Property Day is Monday, 26 April. To celebrate it, the IPKat is holding a special event -- a Cheese and Wine Celebrity Poetry Reception. This is a drop-in event which takes place between 5pm and 7pm in the big room with the lovely views at the top of the office of Olswang LLP's building in High Holborn, Central London. To mark the occasion, a variety of leading personalities in the field of intellectual property have been invited to read their favourite poems. This will give us all an opportunity to sample some genuine intellectual property in addition to the edible fare. It will also give our celebrity poetry readers a chance to demonstrate a more human side to their regular personas. A list of celebrities will be published on this weblog next week.

Even if you're not so keen on cheese and don't drink wine, we hope you will still attend since there will be some great opportunities to chill with fellow IP enthusiasts and remind yourself that, despite all the bad press that IP seems to be getting these days, there's lots to be proud of.

This splendid event is absolutely free -- just email Emma Killick here with the subject heading "Cheese and Wine" and she'll add you to the list. In the event that there are too many takers, we'll pull names out of a hat!

Sponsors of this glorious celebration of intellectual property are (in alphabetical order):
If any other individual, firm or company would like to contribute something sponsorable, he/she/it should email Jeremy here and tell him, preferably before the event ...