Cloudy St. Patrick's Day

Yesterday's blue skies and sunshine were gone today. But I needed a run and took off down the Glacier Highway route this time.

I saw several Bald Eagles, but this one on 
a pole was the closest I could get.

Here's the trail at Cope Park and I'm almost home.

When I got into the Capitol, the green covers on the announcements were, I assumed, a subtle nod to St. Patrick's Day.  I went to the Senate Judiciary meeting to see how they were doing with the Campaign Expenditure bill.  They only had a quorum for a short time, so I went to the House Judiciary where it seemed like the Chair Jay Ramras was acting in sharp contrast to the warm hospitality he showed to witnesses last week on the bill to add 30 days to the time that small businesses had until they had to file liens against non-payers.  Then he abruptly adjourned the committee at 2:30 pm.