Decoupling the Capitol - Legislative Staff Spoofs Bosses

It was a big night at Centennial Hall with the big ballroom full for Decoupling the Capitol.  It was a fun night with everyone casual and playful - at least at the beginning.  Since I'm trying to get my readers as close to the truth as possible, I'd say the skits were a lot like my non-flash photos in the dark room - a few are sharp, but most were not quite on target.  But there was a lot of enthusiasm and enough liquor that most people enjoyed themselves anyway.  The Saturday Night Life crew don't have to worry about losing their jobs though.  But then they don't spend their workdays making the legislature work before they perform.  

We were in line behind Rep. Mike Doogan and the woman who lets him live with her

Around the table clockwise from front right:  Reps. Guttenberg, Seaton, Buch, Crawford, and Petersen.

Rep Gara (left)

Rep. Gardner and her husband.

Rep. Tuck (right)
I would have cropped these, but then you'd see how bad the focus is.

Rep. Dahlstrom (in red)

Rep. Thomas (left) and Al Adams

Rep. Johnson pointing to the camera.

Senator Hollis French taking a picture of his wife (I'm assuming in red) and Rep. Kerttula.

Staffer Ted in his formal wear.

Rep. Lynn just can't stay still enough to not blur.

Staffer Mike and his Intern Daughter.  

[Update 6:oopm: Pictures of what was performed on stage, posters on the tables, and content on the video screen have been pulled at the request of AK Skitters.]