Decoupling the Capitol

I'm told this event is a regular part of the Legislative Session.  It's the night the staff offer skits and spoofs of their bosses.  I was told all proceeds this year go to the Southeast Alaska Food Bank, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, and AWARE.  This is Saturday night at Centennial Hall. 

In the spirit of the evening, I'm asking readers to use the comments to:

1.  Explain the title to those who aren't keeping up with Alaska politics
2.  Name the people in the pictures and what the images mean, if anything. Use the letters in the bottom picture. 

The top picture is pretty big so you can double click it to see the faces better. Who can get the most right?

I'm hoping to learn something myself from the answers.  And even if you want to be be Anonymous, please, at least, leave some sort of id in the comment.

Here are some help links - State Senate  and State House of Representatives.