Good Mail, Bad Mail: Fair and Festival

I got a good blog related email this week and one not so good.  The good one was from a Juneau Douglas High School student who asked if he could use one of my photos for his science project.  Part of their rules requires that they get permission to use photos and give credit for photos they use on their posters.  He didn't know I was in Juneau and I surprised him when I showed up to see his project. 

Here he is explaining his project where he tested crushed cow parsnip in water as a way to naturally kill mosquito larvae.  I'll do a longer post on the science fair later. 

The other communication wasn't nearly as pleasant.  It was a letter from a San Diego attorney alleging that I had libeled his client and that he was giving me a week to remove the offending post.   While I didn't think there was anything wrong with the post - you regulars know that I'm pretty careful about what I say - I have engaged an attorney.    I can say that the letter caused me to poke around a bit and things get more and more interesting.  I'll put up more soon.  The offending post is this one.