Great Blogging - Mel at Henkimaa on Sullivan Insurance Story

Although it might not always look like it, I'm keeping busy here in Juneau and have left most Anchorage stories to other capable Anchorage bloggers.  Different bloggers do different things well. 

Mel is proving to be the most obsessive in presenting the facts, presented in digestible detail, without much adornment.  Most recently she's been doing meticulous research and then organizing of her results about what she and others are calling Sullygate - the story of former Anchorage mayor George Sullivan's municipal life insurance policy and current Anchorage Mayor and George's son Dan Sullivan's handling of it in his conflicting roles as Trustee and Mayor.  Now she has up the ultimate chronology.  She is relentless about getting the details right, to the point of clearly acknowledging there's more she doesn't have and asking readers to make corrections and additions, and giving credit to others.

Here's a bit of what she posted, but you really should go look at all of it for yourself.  Just to see good work if you aren't from Alaska, and if you are from Anchorage, well he's your mayor.  [Wow, I wrote 'your' instead of 'our'  - I've been in Juneau too long.  I do have return tickets though.]  And outside-Anchorage Alaskans, I'm sure he's planning on higher office in the future so now's a good time get to know him.  The whole post is at Henkimaa

This is a very heavily annotated timeline of the Sullivan “life insurance” issue based on sources that have so far been made public. A big thanks to Sean Cockerham and David Hulen of the Anchorage Daily News, who made public records requests in the process of preparing Sean’s really fine investigative piece,  and posted the documents at the ADN website for the benefit of concerned Anchorage citizens like me.
This is a really long post; I was happy to learn that WordPress (my blogging software) supports internal navigational links: these will help you get around.
1967 | 1982 | 1984 | 1987 | 1992 | 1994 | 1995 | 2000 | 2002 | 2003 | 2007 | 2009 | 2010 | References
Please comment, especially if you find errors or can clarify some of my own questions.  This sentence is the very last sentence I’m writing in this post: it is to say that I’ve been at this a very long time and my mind’s too muddled by tiredness now to even proofread — so really, please let me know if you find errors so I can fix ‘em. — Mel

Mel's whole post is here.