
Grayson finished off a malware/adware exam recently by creating a timeline, apparently using the several different tools including fls/mactime, Mandiant's Web Historian, from SIFT v2.0, etc. Not a bad way to get started, really...and I do think that Grayson's post, in a lot of ways, starts to demonstrate the usefulness of creating timelines and illustrating activity that you wouldn't necessarily see any other way. I mean, how else would you see that a file was created and modified at about the same time, and then see other files "nearby" that were created, modified, or accessed? Add to that logins visible via the Event Log, Prefetch files being created or modified, etc...all of which adds to our level of confidence in the data, as well as adding to the context of what we're looking at.

I've mentioned this before but another timeline creation tool is AfterTime from NFILabs. In some ways this looks like timeline creation is gaining some attention as an analysis technique. More tools and techniques are coming out, but I still believe that considerable thought needs to go into visualization. I think that automatically parsing and adding every data source you have available to a timeline can easily overwhelm any analyst, particularly when malware and intrusion incidents remain least frequency of occurrence on a system.

Event Log Parsing and Analysis
I wanted to point out Andrea's EvtxParser v1.0.4 tools again. I've seen where some folks have gotten into positions where they're interested in parsing Windows Event Log files, and Andreas has done a great deal of work in providing a means for folks to do so with Vista systems and above, without having a like system available.

IR in the Cloud
Here's an interesting discussion about IR in the cloud that I found via TaoSecurity. While there are a number of views and thoughts in the thread, in most cases I would generally tend to stay away from discussions where folks start with, "...I'm not a lawyer nor expert in cloud computing or forensics..."'s not that I feel that anyone needs to be an expert in any particular area, but that kind of statement seems to say, "I have no basis upon which to form an opinion...but I will anyway." The fact of the matter is that there're a lot of smart folks (even the one who admitted to not being a lawyer...something I'd do every day! ;-) ) in the thread...and sometimes that toughest question that can be asked is "why?"

Cloud computing is definitely a largely misunderstood concept at this point, and to be honest, it really depends on the implementation. By that, I mean that IR depends on the implementation...just as IR activities depend on whether the system I'm reacting to is right in front of me, or in another city.

Incident Preparedness
On the subject of IR, let's take a step back to incident preparedness. Ever seen the first Mission: Impossible movie? Remember when Ethan makes it back to the safe house, gets to the top of the stairs and removes a light bulb, crushes it in his jacket and lays out the shards in the darkened hallway as he backs toward his room? He's just installed rudimentary incident detection...anyone who steps into the now-dark hallway will step on shards of the glass, alerting him to their presence.

Okay, so who should be worried about incidents? Well, anyone who uses a computer. Seriously. Companies like Verizon, TrustWave and Mandiant have released reports based on investigations they've been called in for, and Brian Krebs makes it pretty clear in his blog that EVERYONE is this.

Interestingly, in Brian's experience, folks hit with this situation have also been infected with Zbot or Zeus. The MMPC reported in Sept 2009 that Zbot was added to MRT; while it won't help those dentists now, I wonder what level of protection they had at the time. I also wonder how they feel now about spending $10K or less in setting up some kind of protection.

I can see the economics in this kind of attack...large organizations (TJX?) may not see $200K as an issue, but a small business will. It will be a huge issue, and may be the difference between staying open or filing for bankruptcy. So why take a little at a time from a big target when you can drain small targets all over, and then move on to the next one? If you don't think that this is an issue, keep an eye on Brian's blog.

Malware Recovery
Speaking of Brian, he also has an excellent blog post on removing viruses from systems that won't boot. He points to a number of bootable Linux CDs, any of which are good for recovery and IR ops. I've always recommended the use of multiple AV scanners as a means of detecting malware, because even in the face of new variants that aren't detected, using multiple tools is still preferable over using just one.

For those of you who aren't aware, F-Response has Linux boot CD capability now, so you can access systems that have been shut off.

Dougee posted an article on using an F-Response boot CD from a remote location...something definitely worth checking out, regardless of whether you have F-Response or not. Something like this could be what gets your boss to say "yes"!

Extend your arsenal!

Browser Forensics
For anyone who deals with cases involving user browser activity on a system, you may want to take a look at There's a PDF (and PPT) of the browser forensics course available that looks to be pretty good, and well worth the read. There's enough specialization required just in browser forensics, so much to know, that I could easily see a training course and reference materials just for that topic.

Speaking of malware, the folks over at Dasient have an interesting post on the "Anatomy of..." a bit of malware...this one called Bablodos. These are always good to read as they can give a view into trends, as well as specifics regarding a particular piece of malware.

Google has a safe browsing diagnostic page for Bablodos here.

Book Translations
I got word from the publisher recently that Windows Forensic Analysis is being translated into French, and will be available at some point in the future. Sorry, but that's all I have at the moment...hopefully, that will go well and other translations will be (have been, I hope) picked up.