Rep. Gatto Praises Rich Mauer's ADN Article

The House Republicans press conference just ended this morning and they spent a fair amount of time on oil and gas issues.  If Alaskans are going to be informed voters, I think it behooves them to listen in on the legislators first hand now and then so they understand not only the issues but the people who represent them.  The press conference is on Gavel to Gavel.

Here's the page for today's legislative schedule ("today" means 'today' everyday) on Gavel to Gavel.  The press conference just finished and they don't have the audio up yet.  It will be on that page later today, maybe within the hour.  If you want to hear a previous day's hearing you can play with the calendar on that page.  You can see it shows in red the day of the schedule you are looking at.  The press conference that is just completed is on the bottom.

In any case, during the discussion between media representatives, Rep. Gatto who made a strong stand for the legislature to stand by its legal commitment to the AGIA law that the legislature passed by an overwhelming majority, praised Rich Mauer's piece in the Anchorage Daily News today.  Here's the beginning of the article. Get the whole article at the link.

Legislators hear plans for alternative energy

With a gas pipeline still a dream, wind, hydro, volcano possible.
JUNEAU -- With some legislators fuming over the pace of in-state gas development and broadly supporting energy diversification, a special House committee summoned the promoters of six large Railbelt projects last week to explain themselves and whether they should be subsidized with public funds.
One of the projects -- a wind farm already under construction by Cook Inlet Region Inc. on Fire Island -- is poised to change Anchorage's view to the west and the approach to the city's international airport. The Anchorage Native corporation, owner of the island, plans to prepare sites for 36 wind turbines this summer and have the project in operation by the end of 2011. . .

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Here's the audio of the press conference: