Signs of Juneau

I realized as I was posting these that they are all from the same trail - Basin Road to Perseverance Trail.

Suspicious readers will think I photoshopped this, but this is the sign. Someone did, obviously, put an amendment on the original sign (too much time in the legislature I guess) and I don't know if it was official or grassroots, but locals tell me it's been there a while.

 When I see signs like this, I can't help but imagine the committee deciding what to put on the sign.  
A:  Let's just use 'poop.'
B:  No, no, we can't say that on a sign.
And around and around they go until they settle on "nuisance."  To me a dog nuisance is a big dog running up and shoving its nose in my crotch.  But I don't think that's what they mean. There's a sign near my mom's place in LA that uses 'defecation.'  We need the hula hoop guys to work on this sign.

Now, this no shooting sign is a common Alaska sight.  My theory is that people (men or boys) who feel really powerless are able to act out their aggression towards authority by shooting up government signs when no one is around.  "Boy, that'll show them."  These are, of course, in my theory, the same people who complain about government spending - like to replace signs.  Better signs than people I guess. 

Not too many cities allow recreational gold panning in their water supply.

Or, this trail is a death trap, Welcome and Enjoy.