Strictly Business - Daniel Hernandez's Film Showing
Daniel invited me to last Friday night's showing of his film "Strictly Business: The Prologue." It's not that I'm special. He invited everyone he saw. I didn't even see this poster about it until yesterday.
He was able to set up the showing at the bar in the Prospector Hotel. By the time we arrived, about ten minutes early, most of the seats in that section of the bar were taken.
I wasn't sure what to expect. Daniel is KTUU's camera man for their legislative coverage. This is his first film. I asked if it was going to be a Zombie movie and he laughed and said no.
It turned out to be a movie about drug dealers and buyers in Anchorage. It was good. The photography and editing were impressive, and the story moved right along. The big showdown scene worked well. There was a second or two of bad focus that should have been cut and the sound was uneven. He's calling this the prologue because he didn't have enough money to make the whole film. The photo shows him answering questions after the showing.

I was really surprised when he told me how much it cost. He did this for less than $500. That means he has a lot of friends who pitched in. I'm hoping he'll submit it for the Anchorage International Film Festival.
Here he is setting up for the evening news back in early February.