Friday fantasies

Don't forget to check out the IPKat's side bar for the current list of Forthcoming Events. Newly-added events include this summer's 10th Annual IP Law Summer School, organised by Informa and held in Downing College, Cambridge (details here). IPKat team member Jeremy will be among the faculty. There's a special offer for early birds who book before 4 June, so don't miss out.

The Intellectual Property Institute and Queen Mary, University of London have now begun to implement their collaboration, which means that if you are looking for the Institute you'll find that it is in the process of being relocated to 67-69 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3JB. You can email the Institute's administrator, Sarah Batty, here and the Director, Professor Jo Gibson here. If all else fails, there's always the phone: +44 (0) 20 7882 8090.

Sounds like a sneeze. The IPKat's friend Dr Maurizio Borghi (Brunel Law School) has asked if the Kats would mention that there's call for papers for the second annual workshop of ISHTIP (bless you!), the International Society for the History and Theory of Intellectual Property, at American University, Washington DC, 24-26 September 2010. The deadline for submissions is 5 June 2010, which is not so very far ahead.

Around the blogs. The 1709 Blog has already mentioned the Wittem Project and the European Copyright Code, but the IPKat thought it was a good idea to draw it to the attention of his readers too. This week's offerings from the Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice that you can read free of charge on the jiplp blog cover the need for industrial applicability in gene patents (here) and the sad story of a fashion designer who became detached from his own name (here).