Monday miscellany

If you've emailed IPKat Jeremy today and are hoping for a swift response, please be patient: it's World IP Day today and he's a bit preoccupied with the events of the moment ...

The result of the poll to vote for this year's IP Anthem is now known (click here for the full text of all the finalists). Ben Evans' Land of the Licensor comes out ahead, followed by Jim Boff's The Sun Has Got His Hat On and Nia Roberts' Designers, Inventors and Owners of Brands. Congratulations, Ben, on winning the complimentary place at CLT's conference on Ownership and Control of IP (here) on 10 May. And well done, all entrants!

Matthew Dick (Bristows) wonders whether it's too late to punt in a late entry for the IP Anthem competition (yes, I'm afraid so) and if not, whether it might amuse nonetheless (yes, indeed!) . Matthew's anthem should be sung to the tune of the chorus to the seven dwarves’ song from Snow White, ‘Heigh-Ho’:
“WIPO, WIPO – does anyone truly know
How Romarin works,
With its mad old quirks?
That’s no, that’s no...”
Still on the anthem theme, entrant Mark Anderson, inspired by new Kat Neil Wilkof's Clouds post and watching the appended YouTube file of Both Sides Now, wonders what Joni Mitchell might have said if she had been an IP lawyer. Perhaps ...
Songs, and books, and new designs,
Some great ideas, and poets’ lines,
And though we pay a million times
We don’t own them, you say

Your intellectual property
Seems like just a fake to me
It makes us stop when we feel free
Downloading our best songs

I’ve practised law from both sides now
Both in-house jobs and City crowds
And though I’ve learnt a trick or two
I don’t know IP law, like you.

Around the blogs. Today being World Intellectual Property Day, IPKat team member Jeremy has discharged the onerous responsibility of compiling Blawg Review #261. You can read his Review by clicking here. The Blawg Review site, which contains details of reviews past and future, is here. The IP Finance weblog welcomes a new team member, the talented Grégoire Marino -- of whom we suspect we shall be hearing a great deal more one day. His first post for IP Finance, on ambush marketing, can be read here.