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WFA 2/e Book Review
Peter Sheffield posted a review of WFA 2/e over on the SANS Forensic Blog. What can I say, besides, "Thanks, Peter!" I really appreciate it when folks let me know what they think of the book, or the tools, but I appreciate it even more when they do so publicly, like what Peter did. Such things really help the sales of the book. More importantly, it's beneficial for me to see that others in the community have found the work and effort put into the books to be useful or valuable.

I received the following quote from Chris Perkins, CISSP, ACE (Hujarl), Digital Forensic Investigator, along with his authorization to share it:

Some years ago while at a tech conference I ran across your first edition of the Windows Forensics Analysis book. On my return flight I read it cover to cover, and read the Registry Analysis chapter twice! I had an interest in the forensic space previous to this experience with my work as a security analyst, but your book spurred my interest even further and helped drive me towards my current career.

Fast forward to today and I am still referencing that great book frequently in my work as a Digital Forensic Investigator. It is well worn and dog-eared throughout.

In addition, your RegRipper tool is used constantly in my investigations, especially in Intellectual Property work. The beauty of the tool is its quick, clean text reports and flexibility for additional plug-ins based on specific needs. It can be verified directly with other tools and methods, which is very necessary process to validate the data.

Thanks so much for the great work!

Thanks, Chris, for your words, as well as for allowing me to share your comments publicly.

MS goes Open Source
Microsoft recently released a tool for viewing the content structure of PST files called the PST Data Structure View Tool, or pstviewtool. MS has also released the PST file format SDK. These releases follow MS's release of the .pst structure specification earlier this year, and make it easier for programmers to access the contents of PST files without having to have OutLook or Exchange installed.

Date Formats
Working on writing recently, I've been trying to figure out where a good place is to fit in a discussion or even just state, "here are date formats used by MS". The Old New Thing blog has a very good post on time stamp formats. One that isn't mentioned in the post is the 128-bit SYSTEMTIME format; this one is used in Scheduled Task .job files, as well as in several Registry keys that have to do with wireless access on Vista and above. Please don't think that that's a complete or comprehensive list of where the date format is used in's only two places that I'm aware of, and there are likely others.

I've recently seen and received a number of questions about Office 97-2003 metadata date formats, what the date values refer to (GMT vs. local system time), and where they're located in the binary format. Well, MS was nice enough to publish the formats, which you can use to verify findings from other tools. Click on the link in the "Date Formats" section above, and you'll see that the OLE date format is different from other formats, particularly the more recent Office (2007, 2010) formats.

User Account Analysis
The issue of user account analysis comes up time and again, and I thought that this would be worth repeating. I've seen the question of the "password not required" flag and what it means come up in various forums, most recently in the new RegRipper forums. I understand that this can be a bit tough to grasp, so I'd like to post it again.

With respect to the "password not required" flag in the output of the plugin, what I got from someone at MS is as follows:

That specifies that the password-length and complexity policy settings do not apply to this user. If you do not set a password then you should be able to enable the account and logon with just the user account. If you set a password for the account, then you will need to provide that password at logon. Setting this flag on an existing account with a password does not allow you to logon to the account without the password.

I hope that helps those of you doing analysis.

Ovie (sans Bret) has posted another CyberSpeak podcast...check it out!

TSK/Open Source Conference
Just a reminder about the TSK/Open Source Digital Forensics Conference coming up on 9 June! Check out the presentations!

SANS Forensic Summit
The SANS Forensic Summit is coming up, 8/9 July! Check it out!