PowerShell Startup Options

Here is a listing of the available startup options for PowerShell:

-Command Specifies the command text to execute as though it were typed at the PowerShell command prompt.

-EncodedCommand Specifies the base64-encoded command text to execute.

-ExecutionPolicy Sets the default execution policy for the console session.

-File Sets the name of a script file to execute.

-InputFormat Sets the format for data sent to PowerShell as either text string or serialized XML. The default format is XML. Valid values are text and XML.

-NoExit Does not exit after running startup commands. This parameter is useful when you run PowerShell commands or scripts via the command prompt (cmd.exe).

-NoLogo Starts the PowerShell console without displaying the copyright banner.

-Noninteractive Starts the PowerShell console in non-interactive mode. In this mode, PowerShell does not present an interactive prompt to the user.

 -NoProfile Tells the PowerShell console not to load the current user’s profile.

 -OutputFormat Sets the format for output as either text string or serialized XML. The default format is text. Valid values are text and XML.

 -PSConsoleFile Loads the specified Windows PowerShell console file. Console files end with the .psc1 extension and can be used to ensure that specific snap-in extensions are loaded and available. You can create a console file using Export-Console in Windows PowerShell.

-Sta Starts PowerShell in single-threaded mode.

-Version Sets the version of Windows PowerShell to use for compatibility, such as 1.0.

-WindowStyle Sets the window style as Normal, Minimized, Maximized, or Hidden. The default is Normal.