DoS Attacks

Hey Guys! I recently read, Hackin9's May 2010 article entitled "Is DDOS Still a Threat?" and it was quite an interesting article. He goes on to explain how most major corporations now are distributing their content over many servers and locations. Clearly this solution negates the straightforward attack of taking down a single server and denying service to a multitude of users. And while other attacks likely do exist, for say a wide spread DoS attack, it might just be easier to focus on a smaller system with a single server. Or perhaps, locate a server in part of a huge server network that hosts some key functionality, and take that down as a distracting technique for then getting past certain screenings or temperately disabling logs. Just another thought: With cloud servers becoming ever more popular, what if one were to attack and shutdown a large server through a smaller, less secure website, in part of a larger strategy of taking out a more secure site on the same server?? Just some thoughts, as I plan on expanding on this with more of the Distributed DoS attacks.