Internship at Motorola

Just to keep everyone updated; I have been interning in Motorola's PKI center out in San Diego these last several weeks. I will be on the West coast all Summer, and plan to attend Def-Con in late July. I have been heavily working with crypto systems and learn tons everyday. Unfortunately I will not be blogging about my job, but I will continue with Security research, and post new and interesting things I find. I also just want to use this post to remind everyone, that strong security starts with the user! Yes, systems may be broken, and there is always a vulnerability somewhere that can leverage risk, but even the most naive hacker can guess passwords or recovery questions. It is a simple fact many of us over look in the grand scheme of systems, but it is and always will be a powerful tool in bypassing security checks, by simply masquerading as a pre-trusted user (with the desired privileges of course).