Wireless Techs and Web 2.0 still have a ways to go!

Hey guys!! So I just attempted 2 different methods of posting to my blog via my Mobile phone. I am using a Motorola Devour, with Android and Motoblur. Originally, I tried using the eBlogger app by Google, and posting to this here blog about the new app. To my dismay it seems the post never made it :( So I decided to take another path, I registered my phone with the SMS number here, and tried to txt a post in. This time it actually posted, but the post only consisted of illegible characters and epically failed by double posting this gibberish. So clearly, there is allot of work to be done in the Mobile apps and web department. So while this technology is not yet in full swing, this is a great time to start thinking about the security aspects that will arise from all of this. With all of these accounts and sensitive data being tied to one, new and insecure device, this is a great area to start some serious security research. I mean just think about how many smart phone users download these apps daily to their phones!? They really have no way of knowing what their download contains (aside from a few shabby user comments) and if they don't like what the app is doing, their only real option is to uninstall. Not only that, but the these smart phones poses widget capability, which lets the app run on the home screen, with high level privileges. There is allot to think about here.