
Hola security nerds :]
With DefCon2010 quickly approaching (I am driving to Vegas tmrw to start attending presentations), I wanted to outline some of the speeches I planned on seeing. If anyone has questions on the content presented in these speeches, I plan on taking extensive notes, and will gladly discuss any topic in the comments of this post. Here are some of the topics I plan on attending, and taking detailed notes on:

So that's the list of presentations I would really like to see, but I doubt I will make them all. Please ask questions on any presentation, or just ask questions in general. I am bringing an entire blank notebook, that I plan on filling by the time I leave.

You should be able to tell that my focus for this event is primarily on Internet security, security of key global infrastructure, security involving automated scripts, and in general preparing for the future of script kiddies, hacker 'teams', and botnets. I am not so much focusing on specific exploits (although I will detail many!), as I am focusing on the new emerging threats resulting from large scale botnets, cloud computing, and vital systems being moved online. We need to rethink the way we approach the Internet, what used to be dominated by the individual player is quickly becoming a team sport.