HOWTO : Adaptec Storage Manager on Ubuntu 64-bit Desktop

I have 2 Adaptec RAID cards 5805 and 2405 on two different server and desktop. Adaptec Storage Manager monitors the RAID remotely. You can even create and format the RAID remotely too. However, it cannot upgrade the firmware under Linux system.

Step 1 :

Download Adaptec Storage Manager. Go to the following site and select the latest version of Storage Manager. 5805 and 2405 are under Adaptec Unified Serial SAS/SATA. The current version at this writing is v6.50.18570 dated April 23, 2010.

For 5805 :

For 2405 :

Let's take 5805 as example on 64-bit Ubuntu Desktop. Download link is as the following :


Step 2 :

tar -xzvf asm_linux_x64_v6_50_18570.tgz

cd manager

sudo apt-get install alien

alien --scripts StorMan-6.50.x86_64.rpm

sudo dpkg -i storman_6.50-18571_amd64.deb

Step 3 :


sudo dpkg -i libstdc++5_3.3.6-17ubuntu1_amd64.deb

Step 4 :

To run the Storage Manager :

sudo /usr/StorMan/

Login as Ubuntu Desktop user and password. The user manual of Storage Manager can be downloaded at :

Remarks : if you want to monitor the server's RAID card in the same subnet, you must do the same steps on the desktop and server.


That's all! See you.