New German court to try chocolate rabbit disputes

While felines usually take pride of place on this weblog, and indeed most other places when the chance is there, it must be concluded that today was unquestionably Rabbit Day. One IPKat team member swiftly posted this item on the dispute between Lindt and Riegelein on the IPKat weblog, while another -- anxious to spread the word beyond the borders of Katland -- posted this analysis on MARQUES' Class 46 weblog, heavily read by leading confectionery brand-owners and their representatives. Rabbits, it seems, are in the air!

Given the gravity of this situation, and the acute pressure on its courts, the German government has decided to institute a new top-tier court for final determination of chocolate rabbit disputes: the Bunniesgerichtshof. This court will hear expedited appeals from the Bunniespatentgericht. Says the IPKat, this should keep the German judicial system more than a mere hare's-breadth from the threat of overload leading to chocolate rabbit meltdown. Asks Merpel, which has more hops? A Bunnie Court or a Kangaroo Court?